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Roswinanto, Widyarso (2023) Integrasi Al dalam Proses Bisnis, Keuntungan dan Tantangannya. Swa Online,.
Roswinanto, Widyarso and Rofi, M. Akhsanur (2022) Perluasan Label Halal Pada Kategori Produk Di Luar Kewajaran: Pengukuran Persepsi Kehalalan, Kualitas Dan Attitude Masyarakat. STM PPM. (Unpublished)
Roswinanto, Widyarso (2021) Reviewer_JMBR_Edisi Januari - Vol 18 No 1 2021_Pengaruh Green Marketing Mix terhadap Brand Image Produk Tupperware (2). RC-CCH, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Roswinanto, Widyarso and Suwanda, Siti Aisyah (2021) Religious Boycott in Indonesia Investigation of Antecedents and the Effect of Religiosity Dimensions. Journal of Islamic Marketing.
Roswinanto, Widyarso (2021) Surat Tugas PKM_penulis artikel dalam Majalah Manajemen Edisi No. 8 Tahun 2021 sebagai kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat dengan judul: “Customer Personalization Di Era Digital". RC-CCH, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM. (Unpublished)
Roswinanto, Widyarso and maulana, dimas and Suwanda, Siti Aisyah (2021) Surat Tugas Penelitian_Meraih Inklusivitas Digitalisasi Ekonomi Syariah: Action Research Integrasi Digital untuk UMKM Syariah di Indonesia. RC-CCH, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM. (Unpublished)
Roswinanto, Widyarso (2020) Like Father Unlike Son: The Asymmetric Transfer of Aesthetic and Functional Beliefs in Brand Extension Practices_11th Global Conference on Business and Social Science Series, Global Academic Training and Research, Bangkok, Thailand, 11-12 December 2020. Global Academic Training and Research.
Tran, Trang P. and Roswinanto, Widyarso and Yunus, Erlinda N. and Kurnia, Pepey Riawati (2016) Compensatory Solution: Can it Save a Company from a Service Failure? Services Marketing Quarterly, 37 (2). pp. 80-97. ISSN ISSN: 1533-2969 (Print) 1533-2977 (Online)
Roswinanto, Widyarso 2018 APMRC Paper Factors Affecting Intention to Repurchase Proceeding. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Roswinanto, Widyarso 2018 APMRC Revisiting Consumer Style Inventory A Study of CSI in Indo Proceeding. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Roswinanto, Widyarso 2018 APMRC The Antecedents Of Purchase Intetenion Widyarso R Proceeding. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Roswinanto, Widyarso 2019 APMRC Paper Strategic CRM Widyarso R Proceeding. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Roswinanto, Widyarso 2020 GATR GCBSS Widyarso R Proceeding. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Anteseden Niat Berlangganan Aplikasi Berita Digital. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Anteseden niat pembelian dalam aplikasi online food delivery services: pengembangan model Kaur, et al.(2020). Jurnal Manajemen Pemasaran.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Artikel Faktor Terpenting Yang Mempengaruhi Orang Tua Dalam Memilih Sekolah Swasta Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19. Journal of Law, Administration, and Social Science.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Artikel Optimalisasi Strategi Promosi Digital di Era Digitalisasi: Sebuah Kajian Komprehensif pada PT Glamourix AFA Indonesia Skincare 2022-2023. Journal of Emerging Business Management and Entrepreneurship Studies.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Artikel Pengaruh Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness, dan Perceived Enjoyment Terhadap Minat untuk Terus Menggunakan Aplikasi Investasi di Indonesia. Journal of Management and Business Review.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Bukti Dokumen MANAJEMEN PENJUALAN/Kelas 01 (3 sks). Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Roswinanto, Widyarso and Aryanto, Riza Bukti Dokumen METODOLOGI PENELITIAN/Kelas 03 (3 sks). Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Bukti Dokumen Pemasaran Relasional WID. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Maulana, Noveri and Roswinanto, Widyarso Bukti Dokumen Perilaku Konsumen NVR dan WID ME. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Bukti Dokumen Perilaku Konsumen WID EM. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Celebrity Attitude, Advertising Attitude, Celebrity Match-Up Dan Pengaruhnya Pada Brand Attitude: Ekplorasi Advertising Di Indonesia. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Disertasi Widyarso. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Jumrawati, Jumrawati and Roswinanto, Widyarso Efek Green Marketing Communication Terhadap Green Brand Image, Perceived Quality Dan Consumer Attitude di Industri Quick Service Restaurant_KNRM XI 2021. RC-CCH - Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM. (Submitted)
Nabila, Nabila and Roswinanto, Widyarso The Effect Of Religiosity And Environmental Knowledge On Intention To Buy Sustainable Fashion On Muslim In Indonesia: Extended Theory Of Planned Behavior. School of Business SB (IPB) University, Book of Abstract: The 4th Asean Business, Engineering, and Technology Symposium 2022.
Warbung, Edberg Nozomi Yohanes and Roswinanto, Widyarso Faktor Terpenting Yang Mempengaruhi Orang Tua Dalam Memilih Sekolah Swasta Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19. Journal of Law, Administration, and Social Science, 2(2), 189–197, Desember 2022.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Frugal Innovation Harapan di Masa Krisis. Majalah Manajemen Edisi No. 10 Tahun 2020, Hlm: 64-68.
Bhaskara, Cakra and Roswinanto, Widyarso and Maulana, Dimas Influential Attitude Factors toward the Tendency to Purchase Board Games. School of Business SB (IPB) University, Book of Abstract: The 4th Asean Business, Engineering, and Technology Symposium 2022. (Submitted)
Roswinanto, Widyarso Integrasi AI dalam Proses Bisnis, Keuntungan dan Tantangannya. Swa Online.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Koresponden Celebrity vs Non-celebrity Influencer: Which One Produces Stronger Brand Responses? Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Koresponden Like Father Unlike Son: The Asymmetric Transfer of Aesthetic and Functional Beliefs in Brand Extension Practices. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Koresponden Promotion Strategy of Middle Segment Perfume in Indonesian Market. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Koresponden Religious boycott in Indonesia: investigation of antecedents and the effect of religiosity dimensions. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Koresponden The Influence of Consumer Trust Factors in Social Media Information on the Purchase Interest of Skincare Products. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Manajemen 2019 Agar Marketing Analytics Tidak Sia-sia. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Manajemen 2020 Frugal Innovation Harapan di Masa Krisis. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Manajemen 2021 Customer Personalization di Era Digital. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Manajemen 2022 Perlukah Latah Mencantumkan Label Halal. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Hermanses, Bintang and Roswinanto, Widyarso Optimalisasi Strategi Promosi Digital di Era Digitalisasi: Sebuah Kajian Komprehensif pada PT Glamourix AFA Indonesia Skincare 2022-2023. Journal of Emerging Business Management and Entrepreneurship Studies, Volume 3 Nomor 2, pp. 119-134.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Pengaruh Green Marketing Communication dan Need for Cognition terhadap Citra Hijau, Persepsi Kualitas dan Sikap Konsumen. Laporan Penelitian RTS Semester 1, 2020. (Unpublished)
Roswinanto, Widyarso Pengaruh Perceived Ease Of Use, Perceived Usefulness, Web Quality, Perceived Privacy, Dan Perceived Security Pada Purchase Intention Melalui Trust Bagi Konsumen Milenial E-Commerce Di Jakarta_Reviewer_Journal of Management and Business Review. Research Center and Case Clearing House STM PPM. (Unpublished)
Pambudi, Ivan Agus Setiawan and Roswinanto, Widyarso and Meiria, Ciu Heny Pengaruh Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness, dan Perceived Enjoyment Terhadap Minat untuk Terus Menggunakan Aplikasi Investasi di Indonesia. Journal of Management and Business Review, Volume 20 No 3, Special Issue KNRM XII 2023, Halaman 482-501.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Perlukah Latah mencantumkan Label Halal? Majalah Manajemen Edisi No. 2 Tahun 2022, Terbit Maret-April 2022 Hlm: 109-116.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Praktik Inovasi Perusahaan di Indonesia. Majalah Manajemen Terbit Maret-April 2016 Hlm: 8-16.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Religious boycott in Indonesia: investigation of antecedents and the effect of religiosity dimensions. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Slogan Samar, Agar Merek Tenar? Majalah Manajemen Terbit Januari 2016 Hlm: 8-12..
Roswinanto, Widyarso Strategi Customer Relationship Management Untuk Peningkatan Profit Di Bisnis Digital. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Surat Tugas Musyawarah Chapter IMA DKI Jakarta 2021. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM. (Unpublished)
Roswinanto, Widyarso Surat Tugas PKM Senat IMA DKI Jakarta Periode 2021. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM. (Unpublished)
Roswinanto, Widyarso Tesis Widyarso. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Turnitin 2018 APMRC Paper Factors Affecting Intention to Repurchase Widyarso R. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Turnitin 2018 APMRC Paper Revisiting CSI Widyarso R. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Turnitin 2018 APMRC Paper The Antecedents Of Purchase Intetenion Widyarso R. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Turnitin 2020 GATR GCBSS Widyarso R. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Turnitin Religious boycott in Indonesia: investigation of antecedents and the effect of religiosity dimensions. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
Roswinanto, Widyarso Turnitin Religious boycott in Indonesia: investigation of antecedents and the effect of religiosity dimensions. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.