Items where Author is "Yunus, Erlinda N."

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Number of items: 95.


Sugiarto, Christian Ryan and Lastiawan, Joey Prakarsa and Yunus, Erlinda N. (2023) Faktor Keberhasilan Kritis Usaha Kuliner Berbasis Cloud Kitchen Dari Perspektif Pelaku Usaha dan Konsumen. Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis Dan Manajemen (JABM), 9 (1). pp. 273-284.

Yunus, Erlinda N. and Ernawati, Erni and Hamdani, Endah Nuraini and Yuniarti, Kartika (2023) Preserving Heritage of Humanity: A Systematic Study of the Pandemic Impacts and Countermeasures of the SMEs. Administrative Sciences as part of the Special Issue Strategic Management for Cultural and Creative Industries, 13 (2:65). pp. 1-16.

Alamsjah, Firdaus and Yunus, Erlinda N. (2022) Achieving Supply Chain 4.0 and the Importance of Agility, Ambidexterity, and Organizational Culture A Case of Indonesia. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity (Scopus Q1) Vol 8, Issue 2, pp. 83, May 2022, 8 (2). p. 83.

Yunus, Erlinda N. (2021) Supply Chain Management in B2C E-Commerce Delineating Managers' Challenges. Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Singapore,. pp. 510-521.

Yunus, Erlinda N. (2021) Supply Chain Management in B2C E-Commerce: Delineating Managers' Challenges. Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Singapore, March 7-11, 2021. pp. 510-521.

Kemalasari, Yunita Andi and Yunus, Erlinda N. (2020) Business Ethics Practices of an Indonesian Family Business Corporation in the Digital Era: A Case Study. Journal of Jesuit Business Education (JJBE).

Yunus, Erlinda N. (2020) The Mark of Industry 4.0: How Managers Respond to Key Revolutionary Changes. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. ISSN 1741-0401

Yunus, Erlinda N. (2018) Leveraging Supply Chain Collaboration in Pursuing Radical Innovation. International Journal of Innovation Science, 10 (3). pp. 350-370. ISSN 1757-2223

Yunus, Erlinda N. and Ernawati, Erni (2018) Productivity Paradox? The Impact of Office Redesign on Employee Productivity. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 67 (9). pp. 1918-1939. ISSN 1741-0401

Yunus, Erlinda N. (2017) Towards the Open Innovation Strategy: A Longitudinal Study of Service Firms in an Emerging Market. International Journal Business Innovatin and Research, 14 (4). pp. 519-541. ISSN ISSN: 1533-2969 (Print) 1533-2977 (Online)

Tran, Trang P. and Roswinanto, Widyarso and Yunus, Erlinda N. and Kurnia, Pepey Riawati (2016) Compensatory Solution: Can it Save a Company from a Service Failure? Services Marketing Quarterly, 37 (2). pp. 80-97. ISSN ISSN: 1533-2969 (Print) 1533-2977 (Online)

Yunus, Erlinda N. and Tadisina, Suresh K. (2016) Drivers of Supply Chain Integration and the Role of Organizational Culture Empirical Evidence from Indonesia. Business Process Management Journal, 22 (1). pp. 89-115. ISSN 1463-7154

Yunus, Erlinda N. and Michalisin, Michael D. (2016) Sustained Competitive Advantage Through Green Supply Chain Management Practices : A Natural-Resource-Based View Approach. International Journal of Services and Operations Management (IJSOM), 25 (2). pp. 135-154. ISSN 1463-7154

Yunus, Erlinda N. and Kurniawan, Toni (2015) Revealing Unsuccessful Collaboration: A Case of Buyer-Supplier Relationship in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Supply Chain Forum : An Internatinoal Journal, 16 (2). pp. 14-28. ISSN Print ISSN: 1625-8312 Online ISSN: 1624-6039

Yunus, Erlinda N. Awakening the giant within: turning SME’s survival strategy into improved performance. Awakening the giant within: turning SME’s survival strategy into improved performance.

Kemalasari, Yunita Andi and Yunus, Erlinda N. Business Ethics Practices of an Indonesian Family Business Corporation in the Digital Era: A Case Study | IgnitEd. Journal of Jesuit Business Education.

Yunus, Erlinda N. Erlinda N Yunus_Article_The Mark of Industry 4.0 How Managers Respond to Key Revolutions Changes. International Journal of Productivity and Perfomance Management.

Yunus, Erlinda N. Erlinda N Yunus_Article_Would Compensation be Necessary: The Importance of Service Recovery Strategy on E-Retail Delivery Problems. Laporan Penelitian RTS Semester 1 2020. (Unpublished)

Yunus, Erlinda N. and Kemalasari, Yunita Andi Erlinda N Yunus_Yunita Andi Kemalasari_Article_Ethics Understanding Organizational Support as Driver to Blow The Whistle. Laporan RTS Semester 1 2020 - belum dipublikasikan. (Unpublished)

Aziz, Muhamad Noer Rahman and Yunus, Erlinda N. Inventory System Design for PT Mechanical Electrical Provider. Business Review and Case Studies, Volume 4 No 2, Halaman 195-203, Agustus 2023.

Hendrasetyawan, Bernhard Eko and Yunus, Erlinda N. New Product Development Strategy for Sustainable Rigid Plastic Packaging at XYZ Company in 2022-2025. Business Review and Case Studies (BRCS) Vol 3 No 3, December 2022, hal 193-205.


Yunus, Erlinda N. Prosiding Internasional Service Quality Dimensions of Crypto Assets Platform in Indonesia. Proceedings of the 4th Asia Pacific Management Research Conference (APMRC 2022).

Yunus, Erlinda N. Prosiding Internasional Should I Blow the Whistle? An In-Depth Study Towards Revealing Determinants of Whistleblowing. Proceedings of the 4th Asia Pacific Management Research Conference (APMRC 2022).

Yunus, Erlinda N. Prosiding Supply chain management in B2C e-commerce: delineating Managers’ challenges. Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management.

Yunus, Erlinda N. Prosiding The Implementation of Industry 4.0 in Indonesian Museums. Proceedings of the 4th Asia Pacific Management Research Conference (APMRC 2022).

Trang, P. Tran and Widyarso, Roswinanto and Yunus, Erlinda N. and Kurnia, Pepey Riawati Turnitin Compensatory Solution: Can it Save a Company from a Service Failure?

Teguh, Bagus Surya and Yunus, Erlinda N. Using Quality Function Deployment Approach to Improve Logistics Service Quality in Trucking Operations. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. and Pamungkas, Sridhani Lestari What does it take to Become a Lifestyle? A Case of Online-Based Transportation Phenomenon. International Journal of Business Excellence, 16 (4). pp. 407-426. ISSN ISSN: 1756-0047 (Print) 1756-0055 (Online)

Conference or Workshop Item

Kurnia, Pepey Riawati and Yunus, Erlinda N. Turnitin Is Innovation Always Beneficial A Study of Difference Dimension of Product Innovativeness. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Yunus, Erlinda N. Buku Chapter Internasional Collaboration Model Between Buyer and Supplier: An Empirical Assessment of Indonesian Pharmaceutical Industry. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. Buku Referensi Pembudayaan Etika dalam Organisasi. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. and Fauziana, Diyah Ratna Peningkatan Produktivitas Secara Menyeluruh. Reativ, Ponorogo, Jawa Timur.


Adiningtyas, Yayang and Yunus, Erlinda N. (2023) Surat Tugas Penelitian_KNRMXII_Pengaruh Pengetahuan Konsumen akan Praktik Halal Supply Chain terhadap Minat Beli pada Produk Perawatan Pribadi & Kecantikan Halal. Sekolah Tinggi Manajeman PPM. (Unpublished)

Ishak, Elizabeth Mary and Yunus, Erlinda N. (2022) Surat Tugas Penelitian_Consumer Behavior Towards Sustainable Fashion. STM PPM. (Unpublished)

Kemalasari, Yunita Andi and Yunus, Erlinda N. (2022) Surat Tugas Penelitian_Ethics Understanding and Organizational Support as Drivers to Blowing the Whistle. STM PPM. (Unpublished)

Hutauruk, Ronny I. and Yunus, Erlinda N. (2022) Surat Tugas Penelitian_Service Quality Dimensions of Crypto Assets Platform in Indonesia. STM PPM. (Unpublished)

Yunus, Erlinda N. and Kemalasari, Yunita Andi (2022) Surat Tugas Penelitian_Should I Blow the Whistle? An in-Depth Study Towards Revealing Determinants of Whistleblowing. STM PPM. (Unpublished)

Feisrami, Terrylia and Yunus, Erlinda N. (2022) Surat Tugas Penelitian_The Implementation of Industry 4.0 in Indonesian Museums. STM PPM. (Unpublished)

Widjanarka, Alain and Yunus, Erlinda N. and Supangkat, Hendrarto Kurniawan (2022) UMKM: Di bawah Tekanan Pandemi dan Kewajiban Sertifikasi Halal. STM PPM. (Unpublished)

Yunus, Erlinda N. (2021) Editor in Chief Journal of Management and Business Review_Edisi Juli - Vol 18 No 3 2021. RC-CCH, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. (2021) Editor in Chief Journal of Management and Business Review_Special Issue JMBR pada Konferensi KNRM (Juni) - Vol 18 No 2 2021. RC-CCH, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. (2021) Editor in Chief Journal of Management and Business Review-Edisi Januari - Vol 18 No 1 2021. RC-CCH, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. (2021) Surat Tugas PKM_“Systems and Creative Thinking". RC-CCH, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM. (Unpublished)

Yunus, Erlinda N. (2021) pembicara Live Virtual Training Supply Chain Management. RC-CCH, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM. (Unpublished)

Yunus, Erlinda N. (2021) pembicara Live Virtual Training Supply Chain Management. RC-CCH, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM. (Unpublished)

Wirawan, Hendra and Yunus, Erlinda N. (2020) Pengaruh Praktik Lean Manufacturing Terhadap Profitabilitas Melalui Minimisasi Persediaan Di Industri Elektronik Dan Otomotif Di Indonesia_KNRM XI 2021. RC-CCH - Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM. (Submitted)

Yunus, Erlinda N. Achieving Supply Chain 4.0 and the Importance of Agility, Ambidexterity, and Organizational Culture: A Case of Indonesia. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Ariyani, Indira D. and Yunus, Erlinda N. ​The Agile Project Management Strategy X Group 2021-2023​. Research Center and Case Clearing House STM PPM. (Unpublished)

Yunus, Erlinda N. Bukti Dokumen MANAJEMEN RANTAI PASOKAN/Kelas 02 (2 sks). Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. Bukti Dokumen METODOLOGI PENELITIAN KUANTITATIF/Kelas 02 (3 sks). Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Widjanarka, Alain and Yunus, Erlinda N. Bukti Dokumen Manajemen Rantai Pasokan EM ALW dan ERL. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Widjanarka, Alain and Yunus, Erlinda N. Bukti Dokumen Manajemen Rantai Pasokan dan Operasi EM ALW dan ERL. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. Bukti Dokumen Manajemen Rantai Pasokan dan Operasi ERL dan MTY WM (Kelas 02). Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. and Hamdani, Endah Nuraini Bukti Kinerja Seni Berpikir dalam Bisnis ERL dan NUN EM. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Ernawati, Erni and Yunus, Erlinda N. Bukti Kinerja Manajemen Rantai Pasokan ERN dan ERL EM. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. Bukti Kinerja Manajemen Rantai Pasokan dan Operasi ERL dan MTY EM. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. and Ernawati, Erni Bukti Kinerja Penulisan Konferensi dan Publikasi Jurnal ERL dan ERN SM. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. Bukti review artikel Would compensation be necessary? The importance of service recovery strategy in e-retail delivery problems. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. Chapter 9 Turnitin Collaboration Model Between Buyer and Supplier: An Empirical Assessment of Indonesian Pharmaceutical Industry.pdf. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. Collaboration Model between Buyer and Supplier: An Empirical Assessment of Indonesian Pharmaceutical Industry_Penelitian Kegiatan RTS. RC-CCH STM PPM. (Unpublished)

Yunus, Erlinda N. Dokumen Bukti Review Artikel The mark of industry 4.0: how managers respond to key revolutionary changes. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. Editor in Chief Journal of Management and Business Review-Edisi Juli - Vol 19 No 2 2022. STM PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. Haki Modul Pelatihan Pengembangan Produk Dan Produksi Berbasis Circular Economy. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. and Hamdani, Endah Nuraini and Ernawati, Erni Indonesian Batik SMEs: A Systematic Study of the Pandemic Impacts and Countermeasures. STM PPM. (Unpublished)

Yunus, Erlinda N. Koresponden Awakening the giant within: turning SME’s survival strategy into improved performance. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. Manajemen Operasi Mini MM PT Samudera Loistik Indonesia. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM. (Unpublished)

Ziqrillah, Ziqrillah and Yunus, Erlinda N. Rekomendasi Pemilihan Pemasok Bahan Baku Epoxy Terhadap Kinerja PT Cipta Kenindo Utama Menggunakan Metode Hierarki. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM. (Unpublished)

Yunus, Erlinda N. Researchers Bi-mothly Meeting - The Mark of Industry 4.0: How Managers Respond to Key Revolutionary Changes. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Kemalasari, Yunita Andi and Yunus, Erlinda N. Reviewer Business Ethics Practices of an Indonesian Family Business Corporation in the Digital Era: A Case Study. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Surya, Teguh Bagus and Yunus, Erlinda N. Reviewer Using Quality Function Deployment Approach to Improve Logistics Service Quality in Trucking Operations. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. Turnitin Awakening the giant within : turning SME’s survival strategy into improved performance. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunita, Andi Kemalasari and Yunus, Erlinda N. Turnitin Business Ethics Practices of an Indonesian Family Business Corporation in the Digital Era: A Case Study. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. and Suresh, K. Tadisina Turnitin Drivers of Supply Chain Integration and the Role of Organizational Culture Empirical Evidence from Indonesia. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. Turnitin JB Achieving Supply Chain 4.0 and the Importance of Agility Ambidexterity, and Organizational Culture: A Case of Indonesia.pdf. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. Turnitin JB Preserving Heritage of Humanity: A Systematic Study of the Pandemic Impacts and Countermeasures of the SMEs.pdf. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. Turnitin JB Would compensation be necessary The importance of service recovery strategy in e-retai delivery problems. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. Turnitin Leveraging Supply Chain Collaboration in Pursuing Radical Innovation. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. Turnitin PI 1 Should I Blow the Whistle? An In-Depth Study Towards Revealing Determinants of Whistleblowing.pdf. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. Turnitin PI Service Quality Dimensions of Crypto Assets Platform in Indonesia.pdf. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. Turnitin PI Supply Chain Management in B2C E-Commerce Supply Delineating Managers' Challenges.pdf. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. Turnitin PI The Implementation of Industry 4.0 in Indonesian Museums.pdf. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. Turnitin Preserving Heritage of Humanity: A Systematic Study of the Pandemic Impacts and Countermeasures of the SMEs. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. and Erni, Ernawati Turnitin Productivity Paradox? The Impact of Office Redesign on Employee Productivity. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. and Toni, Kurniawan Turnitin Revealing Unsuccessful Collaboration : A Case of Buyer-Supplier Relatioinship in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. Turnitin Service Quality Dimensions of Crypto Assets Platform in Indonesia. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. Turnitin Should I Blow the Whistle? An In-Depth Study Towards Revealing Determinants of Whistleblowing. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. Turnitin Supply chain management in B2C e-commerce: delineating Managers’ challenges. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. and Michael, D. Michalisin Turnitin Sustained Competitive Advantage Through Green Supply Chain Management Practices : A Natural-Resource-Based View Approach. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. Turnitin The Implementation of Industry 4.0 in Indonesian Museums. Proceedings of the 4th Asia Pacific Management Research Conference (APMRC 2022).

Yunus, Erlinda N. Turnitin The Mark of Industry 4.0: How Managers Respond to Key Revolutionary Changes. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. Turnitin Towards the Open Innovation Strategy: A Longitudinal Study of Service Firms in an Emerging Market. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Teguh, Bagus Surya and Yunus, Erlinda N. Turnitin Using Quality Function Deployment Approach to Improve Logistics Service Quality in Trucking Operations. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. and Sridhani, Lestari Pamungkas Turnitin What does it take to Become a Lifestyle? A Case of Online-Based Transportation Phenomenon. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

Yunus, Erlinda N. Would compensation be necessary? The importance of service recovery strategy in e-retail delivery problems. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.

This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 22:52:33 2025 WIB.